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Jerzy Kranz, Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Legal, Political, and Moral Aspects of the Resettlement of German Population After World War II
Agnieszka Wicha, Instruments for Supporting Members of the Eurozone in Overcoming the Financial Crisis Utilised by The International Monetary Fund Using the Example of Greece
Magdalena Półtorak, The Situation of Migrant Women in the light of the (Draft) Reform of CEAS
Przemysław Domagała, The Migration Crisis in the Case Law of the ECHR – Some Remarks on the Obligations of Countries to Refugees and Immigrants
Władysław Czapliński, Book review: Marcin Kałduński, Zasada dobrej wiary w prawie międzynarodowym [Principle of Good Faith in International Law], Toruń 2017, pp. 500